Chronological changes to the "mysteries" page
- 16 November 2002:
- removed the photos of the questionable Brownish Flycatcher Cnipodectes subbrunneus, after Daniel Lane
found the "solution" of Thrush-like Schiffornis Schiffornis turdinus
- 15 November 2002:
- removed a mystery photo, after Daniel Lane found the solution (Ringed Antpipit Corythopis torquata)
- 13 November 2002:
- removed the photo of the strange Thrush-with-the-eyering, even though it isn't really "solved",
- removed the photo of the probable Short-crested Flycatcher Myiarchus ferox,
- removed the photo of the (probable) young, female (or both) White-flanked Antwren.
- 9 November 2002:
- removed the Stripe-headed Antpitta songs again, because Gunnar Engblom saw it make both vocalizations.
- 8 November 2002:
- added the two "alternative" Stripe-headed Antpitta songs.
- added the Tinamus chick.
- added the Cnipodectes / Sapayoa phots.
- 18 September 2002:
- added the Swainson's Flycatcher photograph, taken by Jon Hornbuckle.
- 5 September 2002:
- added the two mystery photographs by Omar Rocha, taken in Pando, Bolivia.
- 15 August 2002:
- removed the Xenoglaux? recordings, because a 2002 LSU expedition taped the real -and entirely
different- song of the species.
- a mystery female Black-Tyrant Knipolegus sp. on photos by Susan Davis was identified by Mark Pearman as
a White-winged Black-Tyrant Knipolegus aterrimus.
- 5 March 2002:
- added the unidentified montane Blackbird recording by Bennett Hennessey.
- 5 March 2002:
- the Myrmotherula Antwren photo is of a young male White-flanked Antwren M. axillaris.
- 1 and 5 March 2002:
- A mystery Contopus Flycatcher recording by Bennett Hennessey was quickly "solved" by various
people (as Western Wood-Pewee C. sordidulus).
- 19 January 2002:
- added Curtis Marantz' comments about the mystery Thrush.
- 17 January 2002:
- added the Spot-winged Antbird Percnostola leucostigma (?) recordings.
- 15 January 2002:
- removed the "Antbird?", which was identified by Daniel Lane as a first-year male Plain-winged Antshrike
Thamnophilus schistaceus ("red eye, heavy bill, lack of any markings on wings, etc.").
- removed the "Lesser Shrike-Tyrant or Fuscous Flycatcher?", which was identified by Daniel Lane as
Large-headed Flatbill Ramphotrigon megacephala ("pale base to mandible, whitish spectacles,
streaked throat, wingbars and pale edges, etc.")
- removed the Glaucidium Pygmy-Owl. This should be Bolivian Pygmy-Owl Glaucidium bolivianum, by range.
- replaced the single short recording of (probably) Whiskered Owlet by two much longer ones in MP3 format.